Education for All
We are making outstanding impact in creating access to basic education for out of school children in rural areas in Bauchi state who are predominantly orphans.
YLN is implementing the USAID-Creative Associates project under the Northern Education Plus Project and have so far reached over 3000 out of school children and out of school youths and adolescent girls from 60 communities from ages 8-11 and 12-17 in Alkaleri LGA of Bauchi state.
This initiative is increasing the level of literacy among young children and teenagers in the communities. This project gives high consideration to gender balance with 50% boys and 50% girls as a requirement for enrollment and a provision of special learning centers for girls. Today, over 50% of the girls in these centers can read and write fluently!
Our goal is to provide basic education for 6000 out of school children by the fourth quarter of 2021.
We believe we can achieve this together, and we welcome donations towards the goal. Thanks for your generous donation.
Project Goal (5 Years): N27,470,573