iLead School of Leadership Application

Join the Team

YLN is an equal opportunity provider and does not discriminate on grounds of race, gender, religion or political affiliations.
Explain your areas of interests and growth needs.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.

Next of Kin

Please provide the names of two people who can attest to your character.


I understand that this is only an application and does not guarantee acceptance. YLN has the right to request additional information that will help the decision process, and also retains the right to conduct necessary background checks without violating my privacy. If accepted into the program, I agree to abide by the policies that govern the operations of Young Leaders Network. Should any vital information change prior to my acceptance, it is my responsibility to update YLN of such change. If any information provided by me is discovered to be false, my application will immediately be discarded and I would not be considered for future engagements with YLN.